MQ Open Mind Podcast

MQ Open Mind Podcast

MQ Open Mind looks at the science behind mental health and its potential to transform lives. The show digs deep into the cutting-edge research taking on mental illness and speaks to the people it could help. Hear conversations on a range of different conditions, from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia and bipolar. Brought to you by the mental health research charity, MQ Mental Health.

You can listen and subscribe to the Open Mind Podcast across all apps including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube.

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Most Popular Episodes

Episode 1: Gemma Styles and the Importance of Doing Good

10 million people in the UK are affected by anxiety disorder, yet only 15% of those with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder are receiving treatment.

Episode 2: Leigh Timmis and Finding Your Purpose in Life

Depression affects about one in five people around the world during their lifetimes. For the majority of people, it starts early in life – and can have debilitating lifelong impacts.

Episode 3: Dr Alexandra Pitman and Identifying Loneliness

More than one in five UK young people say they’ve recently been bullied, with cyberbullying in particular on the rise. But what long-term effect does this have on mental health?

I’m really glad this podcast is back. It’s great to listen to sensible conversations about mental health – Kittykat-B

Episode 4: Lily Bailey and Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

In this episode, Professor Rory and Craig spoke to mental health activist and author Lily Bailey. At age 16, Lily was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, although her first experiences with OCD occurred during childhood. In this thorough conversation, they discussed the misconceptions about OCD, whether writing can be cathartic, and the potential future of OCD treatments.

Episode 5: Dr Max Taquet and Why Some People Develop Brain Fog​

The effects of Covid-19 on brain function and mental health, as well as the reasons for flaws in diagnosis of psychiatric illness, are all discussed in this episode of the MQ Open Mind podcast. Professor Rory O’Connor and MQ’s Craig Perryman spoke to MQ researcher and academic clinical fellow at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford, Dr Maxime Taquet.

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