Research Reports

MQ's work commissioning and producing reports helps guide our thinking on the biggest issues in mental health today. You can find our latest reports below.

UK Mental Health Research Funding 2014 - 2017

Our latest report, UK Mental Health Research Funding 2014-2017, shows that the level of mental health research funding in the UK is not meeting the scale or the impact of mental illness.

It looks at how much money is invested in research, through lenses including "spend by type of research" and "spend by condition." It also puts mental health research funding into context, comparing the research spend per person affected by mental illness to that spent on physical illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Young People's Mental Health Research - Towards a Brighter Future

Mental health is rising up the policy agenda at pace across the UK. But if we truly want to transform the mental health of future generations, we need policy plans which are bold and meet the scale of the challenge. Our policy report (PDF) looks at the current state of young people's mental health and sets out key priority areas for the years to come.

MQ's Manifesto for Young People's Mental Health

Our manifesto (PDF) sets out a path forward for young people's mental health — identifying how the public, researchers and government can come together to achieve real change.

The Social and Economic Case for Prevention in Young People's Mental Health

The first of three MQ-funded reports (PDF), led by the London School of Economics (LSE), explores the economic impact of rolling out evidence-based bullying interventions in schools.

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