Research Appreciation Day

Research Appreciation Day 2024 is on Friday the 5th of July.

A day where we celebrate the work of the many thousands of health researchers making a difference to people's lives all around the world.

It’s time to give research the credit it’s due. Because without research, it’s just guesswork.

All progress, big or small, comes through research. Anytime there’s a problem to be solved or an improvement to be made, research leads the way to advancement. Research has led to incredible progress like curing polio, sending a man to the moon, inventing the smartphone and developing new treatments for depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses.

It is only though the tireless research of scientists, health professionals and volunteers that we are able to improve the treatments available for different physical and mental health conditions. Despite this vital service, research is often forgotten about when it comes to funding and policy decisions or discussions about health care. So here at MQ we decided it was time for that to change, and for researchers to get the credit they deserve!

Since 2013, MQ has invested more than £21 million into mental health research projects that have improved the quality of mental health treatment for countless people worldwide. MQ has supported many talented researchers globally who are working to better understand mental illnesses, develop better treatments and interventions and ultimately one day prevent mental illnesses altogether.

Research Appreciation Day was launched by MQ Mental Health Research in 2023 to celebrate the hard work of health researchers and scientists all around the world.

Ways to get involved

What is happening right now

Read about the work of some amazing researchers who are helping to solve some of the biggest health problems globally by developing better interventions and treatments, and even ways of preventing mental illnesses in the first place. Find out more.


Downloadable Resources

Help raise awareness of the importance of research either by sharing one of these social media assets or creating your own using the Hashtag #WithoutResearchIt’sJustGuesswork


Volunteer For Research

Volunteer to take part in mental health research. Scientists all around the world need volunteers, to fill out questionnaires, try new talking therapies and help develop new treatments for different mental illnesses. Volunteer today!


Sign Up For Updates

Did you want to hear all about the latest breakthroughs in mental health research? Sign up to our fortnightly newsletter here for all the latest news and opportunities from MQ mental Health research.


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