MRI machine

Serotonin neural circuits for reward, punishment, and mood

Principal investigator: Dr Jeremiah Cohen
Location: USA
Research award: Fellows Award
Funding Period: 2015-2017

Dr Jeremiah Cohen is using innovative techniques to explore the role that brain chemical serotonin plays in affecting mood.

The project

Serotonin is widely associated with changes in mood and many antidepressants work by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain.

But our understanding of how the chemical is involved in conditions like depression and anxiety at a cellular level remains limited.

So our researchers are using cutting-edge techniques to investigate the precise role of serotonin within the brain.

The process

The team is using techniques from genetics and physiology to study serotonin neurons in mice. Their aim is to create a map of serotonin activity in the brain, which can then be related back to humans.

In particular researchers are looking at:

  • How serotonin is released during specific tasks
  • How serotonin acts in different parts of the brain
  • How serotonin affects emotional behaviour

The potential

Until recently, the tools to dissect the behaviour of serotonin neurons in the brain haven’t been available.

That’s no longer the case. So our researchers have an opportunity to create a precise map of how serotonin behaves – and to lay the foundation for more selective use of current antidepressants and for a new generation of better treatments.

Dr Jeremiah Cohen

Dr Jeremiah Cohen works at the Brain Science Institute and the Solomon H Snyder Department of Neuroscience at The John Hopkins School of Medicine. He focuses on the impact of neural circuits in the brain.

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