Introducing MQ Ambassador Gemma Styles

by | 24 Mar 2021

We're pleased to announce Gemma Styles as an MQ Ambassador.

Gemma Styles is a relatable voice online and uses her 7 million Instagram following to raise awareness on the importance of looking after your mental health.

Gemma's substantial social media following has enabled her to help researchers on our Participate platform fill up their studies in minutes. She has also been raising money for MQ through her Don't Stop Find the Light sunglasses. We're delighted that she is using her platform to make the case for mental health research.

Gemma said: "Not having an answer to why I experience the mental health issues I do has been endlessly frustrating and treatments have been far from a definitive solution. As well as gaining insight into the best ways to help people struggling with mental health conditions, research is vital in understanding how they begin and can be prevented in the future. I don’t think we can overstate its value. I’m honoured to be an ambassador for MQ and hope to help them in their work however I can."

Thank you for joining MQ as an ambassador, Gemma. We're so pleased to have you join us.

Follow Gemma on Instagram and on Twitter

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