It's Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 and we are encouraging supporters to be part of the next breakthrough in mental health

Be part of the next breakthrough in mental health. Scientists are working to better understand how different mental health conditions develop, improve treatments and interventions and are even working to one day prevent mental illnesses all together. But they can't do this alone – they need your help to find the next breakthrough in mental health.

By donating today, you will be part of the next leap forward in mental health care. Every donation, big or small, is bringing us closer to life-changing discoveries and support for those who need it most.

Support mental health research today and be part of something transformative.

Find Out More

Can Setting A Challenge Help Your Mental Health?

In this article MQ gives examples of why running can help mental health and how you can set yourself a challenge to improve your mental wellbeing now

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Esther holds a yoga pose on a blue mat placed on a wooden floor of a yoga studio. She wears black leggings and top.

Movement for Mental Health Awareness Week

Do you feel safe in your body? In this story, Esther shares her experience of why movement has been so valuable to her mental health.

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Why Exercise Helps Mental Well-being

Medical research has shown that running and other forms of exercise can have numerous benefits for mental health, reducing anxiety, depression and sensitivity to stress.

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Personal Stories

How therapy, mindfulness and exercise changed my life for the better

After struggling with depression for many years, personal trainer Jonny found that mindfulness, exercise and seeking professional support changed his life.

johnny is standing outside near a pond, smiling broadly!

How Creativity Creates Less Stress

Creativity can be seen by some as frivolous. But there’s evidence to show that creativity helps our mental health and our stress management.

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Movement Is Hope: Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

This Mental Health Awareness Week 2024, the theme is Movement for Mental Health. In this article, MQ staff member Juliette Burton explains why her mental health lived experience has led to her movement – running to raise money for mental health research and why it matters so much to her.

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Be Part Of The Next Breakthrough In Mental Health

This Mental Health Awareness Week, support mental health research and be part of something transformative.