Watch the webinar: Young people’s mental health

Three young people sitting on a wall chatting. One white male with floppy hair, denim jacket and jeans, one black female with leather jacket and her hair in a high bun and one black male in a leather jacket and blue trainers.

by | 24 Mar 2021

"To young people, be gentle on yourself. You have survived a pandemic! That's an achievement on it's own."

The latest MQ Open mind webinar focused on young people's mental health. Hosted by MQ's newest ambassador Gemma Styles, the panellists included:

The episode covered a range of topics including cyberbullying, access to services, the impact of COVID and advice for anyone in need of help.

Ann John also spoke about the APPG paper, which she has co-authored, that is due to be published later this month. The paper features recommendations to policymakers on how children and young people's mental health can be supported.

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